Definitions (by source)

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  1. ‘day’ [1].16, 13.18, etc.; gen. sg. in phrase gach laoi ‘daily’ 45.13; nom. pl. laithe 12.13, 16.5, etc.; dat. pl. laithibh 16.12, 18.4, 25.21
  2. see

Aibidil Gaoidheilge & Caiticiosma: Seaán Ó Cearnaigh's Irish primer of religion, published in 1571. Editor: Brian Ó Cuív.

  1. [82], laithe [2], lá n-aon, lá do na laithibh 53 10, 74 13; an lá do bhíos . . . 10 37; an lá ané 47 1; lá geamhraidh 21 5; lá seilge 28 26; lá an luain, na coinne, an tsléibhe, togharma na dtrí rann 47 2, 59 34, 95 23; gach laoi, ló 1 21, 36 17, 50 25; ruaig etc. laoi 21 26, 38 39, 40 32; fuireach laoi 21 6; lá “day”, i.e. “fight” 40 43; do ló Cuinn, after Conn’s time 39 9; go lá 46; cur laoi ar lá eile 77 8 n.; buain ath-laoi a h- 77 8; an lá thar Féil Cros do-chuaidh 17 18; gach n-éan- 94 35.
  2. vid. láim.

Aithdioghluim Dána: A Miscellany of Irish Bardic Poetry, Historical and Religious, including the Historical Poems of the Duanaire in the Yellow Book of Lecan. Vol II, Translations, Notes, Vocabulary. Editor: Lambert McKenna S.J.

day, 3950, 4929. Al. laithe, in laithe n-aon, one day, 129. gs. laoi, 4561, 4799, 5574 ; lae, 1438, 6650. gach laoi, daily, 350, 7033. ó lá go lá, 4863. a ló an bhreitheamhnais, 3836. do ló 7 d’oidhche, by night and day, unceasingly, 1351, -80, 1835, 3776, 5597, etc. ar feadh theóra laitheadh, 6171 ; but ar feadh na dtrí lá, 6236 (and cf. 6246). dpl. laithibh, 5206. aon do na laithibh, one day, 5386. Hence laitheamhail: go l., daily, p. 18 n., 122.

Desiderius, otherwise called Sgáthán an Chrábhaidh. Author: Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire. Editor: Thomas F. O’Rahilly.

day; gein. laé, 781, laoi, 781, lae, 950; iolra tabh. laethibh, 917, laoibh, 3801, laithibh, 3808.

Scáthán Shacramuinte na hAithridhe. Author: Aodh Mac Aingil. Editor: Cainneach Ó Maonaigh O.F.M.

m., day; orig. neut., hence lá n-aon, ‘one day,’ 247, 403; gen. laoi, 3591, 4895; but, i gcionn an seachtmhadh lá, 5261; dat. ló, 2392, 10240; lá, 3798;--pl. laithe, 569, 1064; trí lá, 10197; deich lá, 5267; gen. laitheadh, 1205, 4464; lá, 4894

Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an Bháis: The Three Shafts of Death. Author: Geoffrey Keating. Editor: Osborn Bergin.