Definitions (by source)
- prep. (eclipsing) ‘with’; with poss. 3 sg. gun a mhuinnter 26.1
- prep. ‘to’; for pronom. forms, etc. see Introduction, pp. 29-30; as gaillbhérla go gaoidheilg [1].8; go brách 40.4; go déogh [1].11; go hiffearn 13.17; go dtrásda 10.15-16; common in formation of advs., such as go coidcheann, go meinic, go nua, etc.; for idiomatic use of prep. prons. chugad, chuige, see aonta, gabhaim, gairm, goirim
- conj. (eclipsing) ‘that’, ‘so that’ 3.19, etc.; with ro, gur (leniting) 14.15, etc.; with verbs of saying, thinking, praying, etc. 10.6, 12.6, 16.4, etc.; with pres. subjunct. ‘so that’ 5.5; forming compound conjs. such as an mhéd go, ar son go, as go, (do) chum go , ionnas go, le dóchas go, nó go, tré go; introducing optative clause, go mbeannuighe 39.4; for ó go chuireamar see 23.5n; for forms with copula see Introduction, p. 36
Aibidil Gaoidheilge & Caiticiosma: Seaán Ó Cearnaigh's Irish primer of religion, published in 1571. Editor: Brian Ó Cuív.
- prep. + acc. (+dat. pl.89 27); +pron.chugam; chugad, -t; chuga, chuige; chuice; chugainn; chuguibh; chuca; go with vn.,till 84 11;gus an aonduine, to the last man 80 25;is ughdar go labhairt46 3; ní cás go bás 128; mise chugat 97 37; do-cídchuca é 75 13; an fear go, gus a, rach to whom I will go, 24 P 8 190; go sé vid. sé.
- go n-, conj., go + ro>gur‘; neg. nach; nach + ro >nar‘; until, so that; + Ind. Pres., Fut., Pf., Cond. 30 8, 9, 36 23; + subj. 20 30, 32 16, 33 5, 38 16, 60 7; dá mbeath go + subj. 95 13 n.; in wish-sentences + subj. 30 7, 38 46, 80 43, 96 2.
Aithdioghluim Dána: A Miscellany of Irish Bardic Poetry, Historical and Religious, including the Historical Poems of the Duanaire in the Yellow Book of Lecan. Vol II, Translations, Notes, Vocabulary. Editor: Lambert McKenna S.J.
- go (h-) prep. followed by acc. to; co fiadh mBóinne 1457. Followed by dat., co Breaghaibh 488, co cáinteadhaibh 2429; with adv. gus anú 2193. Conjugated; 2 s. cugat 2336, 3 sm. cuige 2421.
- go (n-) prep. followed by dat. with; go mbrethaibh 1127, co gcaollongaibh 1384. Followed by acc.; co rún ndegheinigh 736, co mbuaidh ndíbheirgi 374, go ngné nglais, 328, go sén seilge 373.
- go (n-) subordinating conj. until, that; co mbéra 165. With ro, gur gobhang m. prison; gs. goghaing 1692.
Duanaire Mhéig Uidhir: The poembook of Cú Chonnacht Mág Uidhir, Lord of Fermanagh 1566-1589. Editor: David Greene. Translator: David Greene.
- rfh., to, gu, 795; chugad, for you, 1380; léigim chugad féin, I leave to yourself, 439; chuice 7 uaithe, sometimes present, sometimes absent, 2830; do chur a bhfaoisidin arís chuigi, 4442-3; atá gearán aguinn chuigi, we have a complaint against him, 5533; as luaithe chuca, nearest to them, 4631, 4722.
- cónasc, 8, ga, 791; gar, 575, 768, 797, lch. 34 n. 1, 1182, 1207, 1333, 1528, 1838, 2124, 4671, 6329, garab, lch. 27 n. 1, 6128.
Scáthán Shacramuinte na hAithridhe. Editor: Cainneach Ó Maonaigh O.F.M.
The Book of O'Hara: Leabhar Í Eadhra. Editor: Lambert McKenna S.J.
- go (eclipsing), prep., with; folld. by poss. gona, 792, 1085, 5785-87; go n-onóir 7 go n-aird-innmhe, 893; go n-easbaidh 7 go n-anshódh, 914; the noun governed by go may itself eclipse a foll. adj. or gen. go ndícheall ndofhaisnéise, 1852; go bhfios damhsa, ‘to my knowledge, I am sure,’ 1101
- go, prep. to, up to, etc.; prefixing h to vowels, 2181; with art. gusan, 81; gusna, 3; with rel. gusa, 7095; with pronn. chugat, 4426; chugad, 2675; chuige, 208; chuice, 1859; chugainn, 2386; chugaibh, 7100; chuca, 1469; with poss. pron. gó a, 8226. 1. As simple prep.: (a) mainly after verbs of motion, dol, teacht, triall, etc.; cf. 123, 309, 569, 676, 737, 1032, 1960, 3972, 7095, etc.; also after sgríobhadh, ‘to write to one,’ 264, 1194, 4385; (b) ‘up to, till,’ déanam éighmhe go neamh ‘clamemus in caelum,’ 4481; go bruinne an bhrátha, 11; gusan dtráth soin, 196; go bás, 694; often in correlation with ó, ‘from x to y,’ 121, 167, 2588, etc.; (c) in temporal clauses, before vn. folld. by do of the agent, go fagháil bháis dó, ‘till he dies,’ 321; 2262, 4597; go beith glan dóibh, 525; 6211; go díol a fhiach dhó, 6272, 7235, 7795, 7920, 8641, 9191, 10882; (d) prefixed to adjj., to form advv., go héasgaidh, 4400; 1582, 1613, 1656, 1721, 1848. 2. The pronominal forms have been partly differentiated in use from the simple. [In the spoken language they are associated with chum (dochum), which is avoided by Keating, though common in his contemporaries.] They are found with vbs. of motion, and the like: chéimnigheas...chugad, 2675; coimhrithid...chuige, 3909; rithid, 10679; do chuir, 5604; ní bhfuair E. ann féin cur chuca, ‘E. could not find it in his heart to attack them,’ 10168; gabhaim, ‘to receive to oneself,’ 208, 1469, 1859, 2281, 8590, p. 273, 10139; léigean, 6253; lingeadh, 7100; slogadh, 9539; tairrngim, 1910; tig, 2386, 5754; teacht, 10824; triall, 4426; atach ná eadarghuidhe do dhéanamh chuige, 5955
- go (eclipsing), conj., that, so that, until; with ro, gur, 60; go ro, 3639; with cop., gur, gurab, gurbh [see Grammatical Introduction]; introducing indirect speech, 22, 23; with subj., go dtí, ‘until there come,’ 5045; go nach, 8773, 10979; often as connective particle in cpd. conj., ar eagla go, do bhríogh go, ionnus go, tar ceann go, mar go, etc.
Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an Bháis: The Three Shafts of Death. Editor: Osborn Bergin.