dál, dáil
Definitions (by source)
[N. 38], dáil [N. 149]; (i) sharing out, disposition; (ii) meeting; ds. dál 751, dáil 1600; gs. dáile 2545, (as vn.) dáilte 2059. Vnn. of dáilidh.
Duanaire Mhéig Uidhir: The poembook of Cú Chonnacht Mág Uidhir, Lord of Fermanagh 1566-1589. Editor: David Greene. Translator: David Greene.
See also dáil.
matter, circumstances. más fíor dál adeiri-si, 1160.
Poems on the O'Reillys. Editor: James Carney.
dál (38), dáil (149), truagh a ndála, sad their story, state, &c. 3538; ní meath dála it is no failure 2042; is dál dearbh it is certain 1437; an dál as bhuaine the most lasting policy 1315; déan dál an fhir imitate the man 2700; beir ar dháil na sleagh stop the plying, use, &c of spears 2366; a dhál dá ndéantar turadh O thou whose conduct makes weather fine 3361 n.
The Book of O'Hara: Leabhar Í Eadhra. Editor: Lambert McKenna S.J.