ullamh, oll-, eall-
Definitions (by source)
‘prompt’, ‘prepared’, ‘ready’ (‘to’, do, do chum) 27.3, 34.6, 43.14
Aibidil Gaoidheilge & Caiticiosma: Seaán Ó Cearnaigh's Irish primer of religion, published in 1571. Editor: Brian Ó Cuív.
[118] 11 31,TD 3 9 n.; u. fa 87 9; comp, ullmha 21 30.
Aithdioghluim Dána: A Miscellany of Irish Bardic Poetry, Historical and Religious, including the Historical Poems of the Duanaire in the Yellow Book of Lecan. Vol II, Translations, Notes, Vocabulary. Editor: Lambert McKenna S.J.
prepared, ready, 1606, -11, 3250, 3371, 4032. Hence ullmhoigh, prepare, 4831, 6668 ; fut. 1 pl. uillmheócham, 2224 ; 3 pl. ullmhóchuid, 6705 ; vn. -ughadh, 4609. Al. ollmhuigh, 3839. Cf. ollmha.
Desiderius, otherwise called Sgáthán an Chrábhaidh. Editor: Thomas F. O’Rahilly.
ullamh, ollamh adj. ready; ullamh 2805, ollamh 1001, 2858. Compar. ullmha 2919.
Duanaire Mhéig Uidhir: The poembook of Cú Chonnacht Mág Uidhir, Lord of Fermanagh 1566-1589. Editor: David Greene. Translator: David Greene.