Definitions (by source)
(1) a well, spring, fountain. 4328. Cf. fíorthobar, ‘fuente viva,' 6679. (2) fig., source, 1637, 2376, 4174. bun tobair, fountain-head, 4322.
Desiderius, otherwise called Sgáthán an Chrábhaidh. Editor: Thomas F. O’Rahilly.
[N. 17] well 1401.
Duanaire Mhéig Uidhir: The poembook of Cú Chonnacht Mág Uidhir, Lord of Fermanagh 1566-1589. Editor: David Greene. Translator: David Greene.
m., well, spring, 7051; t. talmhan, ‘cisterna,’ 1278;--pl. gen. tobar, 4424; dat. tobraibh, 5936
Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an Bháis: The Three Shafts of Death. Editor: Osborn Bergin.