
Definitions (by source)

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  1. club, staff, here shepherd’s crook, ‘ cayado,’ 239, 257, 259.
  2. track ; trace, impression, 6088, -89. ar a lorg, in pursuit of it, seeking it, 3716. ag leanmhain luirg, gen., following the example of, 7 ; sim. 2844, -54, 4824. Hence lorgair, vb., track, seek, 4329. vn. -eacht, 660, 4321. [Cf. pres. pass. lorgairthear, FF, 1, 6.]

Desiderius, otherwise called Sgáthán an Chrábhaidh. Author: Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire. Editor: Thomas F. O’Rahilly.

  1. track, path. 'san lorg dhíreach, in direct succession, 1474.
  2. (Bérla na bhFileadh), a man (?), a woman (?), 2141-4 n.

Poems on the O'Reillys. Editor: James Carney.

m., act of tracking, track, 2394; succession of race, 3679, 5500, 9530

Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an Bháis: The Three Shafts of Death. Author: Geoffrey Keating. Editor: Osborn Bergin.