
Definitions (by source)

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with de ‘I remove (from)’; beanuidh sé a mbrígh dhīleas dona litribh ar a dtéd 8.9-10; with or ‘I am concerned (with)’, ‘I belong (to)’; lé na n-ealádhain bheanas sin  10.12-13; gach tīr eile dā mbeanann ría 46.14; also 46.16, 47.3, 48.15-16

Aibidil Gaoidheilge & Caiticiosma: Seaán Ó Cearnaigh's Irish primer of religion, published in 1571. Editor: Brian Ó Cuív.

b. é I strike it 53 17; b. (I cut down) crann 89 19; beannaidh (breaks) abhann a bruach 84 27; beanaim (I cut, mark out) fód seilbhe 71 32; beantar mé (I am driven?) fan mbioth 51 7; b. é a h-. I take it from 45 9, 100 25 n; do bhean do liobhra a h- grew less long 66 13; b. é de I take it from 7 24, 50 22, 95 10; do bhean dá haithne ar Fhódla, his knowledge of F. grew less 36 1; do bhean dúinn fell to us, befell us (cf. DiD 67 14) 71 30; beanaim fa I touch, try 66 1; b. gan 26 25 n; b. i n- I stick in, pierce 68 22; b. íoc i n- 95 10; beanaidh re it belongs to, it happens to 25 11, 47 5, 48 14, 84 37; beanaim re, I deal, have to do, with 37 21; ní bhean riom gan 47 8 n; beantar leis ria, he consorts with her 49 8; vn. béin [14], 7 24, 51 7, 87 27; béim [45], b. cláir ar, closing 17 15; cf. béin, béim, buing, buain.

Aithdioghluim Dána: A Miscellany of Irish Bardic Poetry, Historical and Religious, including the Historical Poems of the Duanaire in the Yellow Book of Lecan. Vol II, Translations, Notes, Vocabulary. Editor: Lambert McKenna S.J.

I cut, reap, 1401, 1402, 1403, draw, 1886, strike, 2098, exact, 2236; b. de, I take from, 1425, 2260, 2265; b. re, I deal with, 218; ainm br. buain 1401.

An Teagasg Críosdaidhe. Author: Bonabhentura Ó hEodhasa, O.F.M.. Editor: Fearghal Mac Raghnaill, O.F.M.

I strike, beat, exact. asa mbearna bheanaid, whose gap they strike at, 859; bein creach, taking of plunder, 1180; beanaim x ar neach, I deprive a person of x, 2535; with de, ‘I take from’: ag béin ualaigh d’Éireannchaibh, 3829; with do, ‘I tackle’: buain dó is iongnadh d’eascaraid, 13; h’fearg ag béin dá mboghadhuibh, 60; with : ‘I tackle,’ ‘I assail’: buain fát fheidhm, 30.; v.n. béin, 1180, buain, 13,30, etc., buaint, 3300 (late)

Poems on the O'Reillys. Editor: James Carney.

le beantar é by whom he is struck 2054; beantar mé leis I am attacked by 2881; nír bhean sé re it was unlike, it had nothing in common with 1483; beanaim é a láimh...I take it from the possession of 3095; beanaim clár dom chumhaid I give vent to my grief 3870.

The Book of O'Hara: Leabhar Í Eadhra. Editor: Lambert McKenna S.J.

1. with as, I extract, pull up, derive, 1403, 3654, 4026, 6985: 2. with de, I remove, take away, cut off, 776, 1373, 1456, 1472, 5130, 7001, 7119, 9402, 9421, 10516; beanfaidhear cúntas...dhe, ‘an account will be demanded from him,’ 7304: 3. with , I touch (physically), do bhean...riom, ‘tetigit me,’ 4582, 7675; it concerns, refers, applies to, 752, 963, 3240, 5446, 7612, 8163: 4. with gan and vn., go mbeanann bás na coire gan íomháigh Dé do bheith dh’ainm ar spioraid an pheacthaigh, ‘it takes away, so that there is not,’ ‘it prevents it from being,’ etc., 1418: 5. with amach, I take possession of, 2015, 10832. See buain

Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an Bháis: The Three Shafts of Death. Author: Geoffrey Keating. Editor: Osborn Bergin.