
Definitions (by source)

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(vn. féachain), (1) with ar, look at, 1498, 2633, -34, 3136, etc.   (2) with do, have consideration for. gan fhéchuin dó sin, disregarding that, none the less, p. 12 n., 1513 ; sim. 105. Transitively : (3) look at, 643, 3139, 6282, 7065.   (4) try, test. fhéachfas do chuisle, who will feel your pulse, 4519. d’fhéachuin, (to go) to see, 1890, -94 3222, 5387. dá fhéachain, to see (whether, who, etc.), 218, 331, etc. ; but d’fhéachuin in this sense, 6449. Al. féagh, 592 ; vn. féughoin, 6284.

Desiderius, otherwise called Sgáthán an Chrábhaidh. Author: Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire. Editor: Thomas F. O’Rahilly.