
Definitions (by source)

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(vn. déanamh), make, do. do ním rígh dhe, I make him king, 6569 ; sim. 1775, 7087, etc. do ní an fásach ’na phárthas, (it) turns the desert into a paradise, 3381. do ghéan do chomhairle, I will follow your advice, 2404 (cf. comhairle . . . do leanmhuin, 3973). amhras do dhéanamh ar, to be suspicious of, 1807. bréug do dhéanamh, to tell a falsehood, ‘ mentir,’ 5896 ; sim. 1958, -60. dá ndéarnuinn déara fola, if I shed tears of blood, 3478. do dhéanamh díoghaltois orra, to take vengeance on them, 3335. ag déanamh eólais dó, guiding him, 2671. ní dhiongan fearg ríu, I will not be angry with them, 1490. ag déanamh iongantuis de,marvelling at, 5871. ná déana meisge fhíona, 1046, =nolite inebriari vino, Ephes. v, 18. meisneach do dhéanamh, to have courage, to act courageously, 5045. go ndiongnadh Dia trócaire oram, that God would have mercy on me, 4406. The 1 pl. impv., (a)nam, besides meaning ' let us make,’ 1929, also means ‘ let us go,’ Sp. ‘ vamos,' 6515, 6723. Sim. déanam do shléachtuin don eaglais, ‘ vamos a la yglesia,’ 651 ; déanam asteach, ‘ entremos,’ 565, 637. [Hence current Ir. téanam, ‘ come ! ’ with t- due to the influence of ta(i)r.) See also under aithris, suim.

Desiderius, otherwise called Sgáthán an Chrábhaidh. Author: Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire. Editor: Thomas F. O’Rahilly.