
Definitions (by source)

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act of accompanying. muna thugam c. do Chríosd, ‘ si no fueremos compañeros de Jesu Christo,’ 1407. dá ttugae-si c. dhóibh, if you accompany them, 6703. teacht dom ch., to accompany me, 5749. téid a cc. (c. gen.), he accompanies, 2996 ; sim. 265. ad ch., accompanying you, (going) along with you, 5751 ; sim. 370, 379, 560, 1746, 1947, 2620, -32, -52, 5806, 6247, 6686, 6797. aingeal coimhideachta, guardian angel, 1190. See also under cumhal. [So TC, RT, Gearnon. Exceptionally coimhdeacht in TBg. In IGT, pp. 78, 79, comhuideachd, with coimhideachd noted as faulty. comaidecht DCM, 1823. Mid. Ir. comaitecht.]

Desiderius, otherwise called Sgáthán an Chrábhaidh. Author: Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire. Editor: Thomas F. O’Rahilly.