
Definitions (by source)

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great desire, longing, 4819, 5708. Álghas Dé, ‘ Dessear a Dios,’ 6521, -24, -29, etc. ; gs. -usa Dé, 6523. Al. álgus : npl. -a, p. 14 n. (and cf. 6558, -63). Al. áilgheas : dpl. -oibh, 3017. [Mid. Ir. áilges, álgas, áilces ; áilgheas and álghus, TBg ; álgas, DBr, iii, 38. Two words appear to have fallen together : (1) a compound of áil and Mid. Ir. gess, ‘ request, prayer,’ and (2) an abstract noun from the Mid. Ir. adj. álaic (otherwise adhlaic).]

Desiderius, otherwise called Sgáthán an Chrábhaidh. Author: Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire. Editor: Thomas F. O’Rahilly.