Irregular Verb: do-gheibh


The following tables include only Classical forms permitted in the composition of Dán Díreach, and which can be found in Irish Grammatical Tracts, iii. Independent forms appear in normal font, dependent forms in bold and preceded by a hyphen representing the presence of a verbal particle. (For demonstration purposes we have chosen ni as example.) There is quite a range of forms and variation in spelling, which may seem bewildering to readers familiar with the more orthographically rigid rules of Modern Irish. Such variation allowed poets great flexibility when writing in the strict meters of their profession. In cases where there are no attested forms, the corresponding box in the table has been left blank. Do note that synthetic forms are more extensive and varied than in Modern Irish, but that the analytic forms (made up of 3rd person singular + independent pronoun) were also permitted.

Present Indicative

Singular Plural
1 do-gheibhim

–(f)agh(bh)aim (e.g. ní fhaghbhaim, ní fhaghaim, ní aghaim, etc.)

–(f)ogh(bh)aim (e.g. ní fhoghbhaim, ní fhoghaim, ní oghaim, etc.)



do-gheibhmíd /-mid / do-ghabhmaoid / -maid

–(f)agh(bh)am (e.g. ní fhagham, ní agham, etc.)

–(f)agh(bh)maoid (e.g. ní fhaghmaoid, ní aghmaoid, etc.)

2 do-gheibhe

–fagha(e) (e.g. ní fhagha(e), etc.)

–fogha(e) (e.g. fhogha(e), etc.)

–fhaghbha(e) (e.g. fhaghbha(e), etc.)



–faghthaoi (e.g., ní fhaghthaoi, etc.)

–faghaibhthí/-e (e.g., ní fhaghaibhthí, etc.)

3 do-gheibh

–(f)agh(ann) (e.g. ní fhagh, ní agh, etc.)

–(f)ogh(ann) (e.g. ní fhogh, ní ogh, etc.)

–(f)aghbhann (e.g. ní fhaghbhann, ní aghbhann, etc.)

–(f)aghaibh (e.g. ní fhaghaibh, ní aghaibh, etc.)



–faghaid (e.g. ní fhaghaid, etc.)


passive: do-geibhthear / do-ghabhar

–(f)aghtha(i)r (e.g. ní faghthair, etc.)

–(f)oghtha(i)r (e.g. ní foghthair, etc.)

–faghaibhthear (e.g. ní faghaibhthear, etc.)

–fagh(th)ar (e.g. ní faghar, ní faghthar, etc.)


Past Tense

Not all attested but plausible. Not a definitive list

Singular Plural
1 (f)uaras / do-uaras

-(f)uaras (e.g. ní (fh)uaras, etc.)

(f)uarama(i)r /

do- (fh)uarama(i)r

-(f)uarama(i)r (e.g. ní (fh)uarama(i)r, etc.)

2 (f)uarais / do-uarais

-(f)uarais (e.g. ní (fh)uarais, etc.)

(f)uarabha(i)r /


-(f)uarabha(i)r (e.g. ní (fh)uarabha(i)r, etc.)

3 fuair  / do-uair

-(f)uair (e.g. ní -(fu)air, etc.)


(f)uarada(i)r /


(f)uarada(i)r (e.g. ní (fh)uarada(i)r, etc.)



passive: fríoth / ríoth (singular)

fríoth(a) / ríotha (plural)