téagraim, tea-
Definitions (by source)
[EC teagar], Pf. 3. do theagair; Fut. teagairfead, teigeorad, -éarad, do-eigeorad,-éarad, etc.; the forms in do- are not used in conjunctive construction; vn. teagar, téagar [17], 50 20 n.
Aithdioghluim Dána: A Miscellany of Irish Bardic Poetry, Historical and Religious, including the Historical Poems of the Duanaire in the Yellow Book of Lecan. Vol II, Translations, Notes, Vocabulary. Editor: Lambert McKenna S.J.
dar téagradh teach i dTeamhraigh 247.
The Book of O'Hara: Leabhar Í Eadhra. Editor: Lambert McKenna S.J.